Sunday, November 29, 2015

Can't Touch This

 Image result for macbeth memes
Hah so yeah I killed Duncan and now I have all the power. Lady Macbeth might have been right, it was worth all the power I have. Those creepy witch ladies told me i'm untouchable because of some voodoo stuff so I can now kill whoever I want which is pretty rad because everyone really makes me mad. Can't have anyone bringing me down, you feel? So I killed off a guy's family and my best friend. I'll probs miss Banquo but he's not a true bro because hes asks too many questions. Hope his ghost stops haunting me because that's 2 spooky 4 me, you know? He definitely got what he deserved. What's the big deal? I'm king so people need to check their attitudes. Well gotta go plot some more murders and ignore my wife brb guys much love



